They ask for help for a low-income family whose house is falling apart in Camagüey.

The lady, who is deaf and mute, had part of the ceiling fall close to her and didn't even notice.

Matrimonio en situación de pobreza extrema en Camagüey © Collage Facebook / Alberto Arego, periodista cubano
Marriage in extreme poverty situation in CamagüeyPhoto © Collage Facebook / Alberto Arego, Cuban journalist

Silvia Sidor, 63, and Humberto Agra, 64, a couple living in Camagüey, watch as their house falls apart without being able to prevent it, leading some neighbors to seek help for them on social media.

The house is falling apart, and every time they come, they say the same thing: "let's see what can be done." We don't know what to do anymore. Now, with these rains, I fear we will have to pull her out dead from under the house. The solution is right here, but they don't want to do anything," a neighbor of the couple told journalist Alberto Arego, who echoed the complaint on Facebook.

Facebook screenshot / Alberto Arego, Cuban journalist

The informant explained that the woman is deaf and mute, and both suffer from numerous illnesses. Additionally, she indicated that they live on Santa Rita Street, between Santa Rosa and Santa Teresa, San Emilio District, Florida, Camagüey.

He recounted that a piece of the roof fell near the woman a few days ago. Being deaf and mute, she didn't even realize it, which ended up injuring her knee. However, the regime remains indifferent.

Additionally, she recounted that the married couple, who are low-income, have been visited by representatives from Housing and the Government, without obtaining a solution. "They were told to tear down the house and build two rooms. With what resources, if that house is in ruins and they are not given anything?"

The neighbor pointed out that a nearby property was given to other "individuals who are not from the community"; however, the government did not consider dividing the space, from which "up to three houses could be built."

This case adds to the long list of people living on the margins of the regime, which is indifferent to these problems. This pushes citizens to seek solutions through solidarity.

Recently, the regime's inaction prompted Cuban activists to seek help on social media for an elderly woman and her nephew with Down syndrome in Camagüey, who are experiencing a severe food shortage.

The activist Guelmi Abdul reported the case on Facebook, explaining that Iris, a 72-year-old woman, has had to take care of her nephew Yosvany, who is 24. However, the situation of both is precarious due to their low economic incomes.

In recent days, the same activist warned about a very similar situation in the city of Camagüey, reporting on the precarious situation of an elderly woman and her son with Down syndrome, who are experiencing a crisis so severe that the lady has been forced to go out on the street to beg for alms.

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