A Cuban explains why those from Camagüey are not considered "easterners".

A Cuban from Camagüey defends and explains why they are not "Easterners."

TikTok has become a platform where people can express their opinions and share their cultural identity. A clear example of this is Elieser Estrada Rodríguez, a Camagüeyan who has used his TikTok account to clarify that Camagüeyans are not from the eastern region.

After receiving comments in which they were trying to offend him by saying that he is Oriental, this Cuban (who identifies himself as @eliesersagitar on TikTok) shared a video explaining why the people from Camagüey are not considered Orientals.

"Eastern and what? We're not, we are proudly from Camagüey. Comments like that are supposedly insults that are thrown at us. We have other good qualities," said this Cuban on his TikTok profile, before explaining that since the political-administrative divisions were created in Cuba, Camagüey has never been in the Eastern department.

Many residents of Camagüey have reacted to the video expressing their pride in being so.

What do you think?


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Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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