Three dead, including a child, in accident between bus and cart in Granma.

The owners of the cart picked up a mother with her two children, aged four and 11, on the road. The girl is hospitalized in critical condition with brain death.

Yutong en Cuba (Imagen de referencia) © MITRANS
Yutong in Cuba (Reference image)Photo © MITRANS

Three people, including a four-year-old child, died on Thursday night in a crash between a Yutong bus and a horse-drawn cart in Granma.

The accident occurred on the road in the town of Las Mangas, northwest of the city of Bayamo. The bus was traveling from Bayamo to Havana.

According to the Facebook user "Portal Del Ciudadano Granma" in the group "Revolico Bayamo," the three victims, in addition to a girl who is in serious condition, were traveling in the cart.

"In the cart were seven drunk people without lighting. Four people died, including two children. As they say, 'we are aware!' said the author of the post."

In the publication, several people clarified that the deceased are three, not four. There is an 11-year-old girl, sister of the boy who died, who is hospitalized in critical condition, with brain death.

The two adults who lost their lives were brothers, known as El Sapo and El Chino, and lived in Las Vegas del Río Bayamo.

Apparently, they found a mother with her two children on the road. The woman also suffered injuries, but not serious ones.

"They say my cousins were drunk, that they were almost home and that they crashed into other people in that cart. Yes, it's true that it was irresponsible not to have any form of lighting, but it also has to be understood that it wasn't on purpose that they wanted to cause the accident, if they were completely responsible. At what speed was that bus traveling?" questioned internet user Ketty León.

Maybe they didn't act prudently, but for everyone to know, both were good people. Like many in Cuba, suffering from alcoholism, but that didn't make them bad people, just addicted. The other people in that cart were individuals that this cousin picked up along the way to make their journey easier, a kind gesture in my opinion, and terribly sad that it ended like this," he said in another comment.

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