Italian girlfriend of a Cuban: "Like rice for lunch and dinner"

In a previous video, she shared what she had learned from her boyfriend.

In a video posted on TikTok, the young woman @eleonorafailla6, who calls herself "the most Cuban Italian", shared more about her experience in a multicultural couple. With a fun and relatable tone, she described several everyday situations she faces while sharing her life with her Cuban boyfriend.

"I have a Cuban boyfriend and it's normal for him to eat rice for lunch and dinner," she began her lighthearted testimony.

"I have a Cuban boyfriend and it's normal for all the medications to be in the fridge. I have a Cuban boyfriend and it's normal for him to listen only to "reparto" music. I have a Cuban boyfriend and, above all, it's normal for me to not hear 'hello, how are you', but instead 'qué bola, asere'," Eleonora expressed in her video, which has generated a series of reactions and comments, where many users identified with the situations described and shared their own anecdotes.

"And it's normal that you keep empty bags and bottles. They're the best"; "Confirmed, for real. 'What's up, my bro'"; "Let's see, which reparto song do you like the most?"; "That's how we are hahaha"; "I have a Cuban girlfriend. She's lovely"; "I eat rice 24/7"; "I have a Cuban boyfriend and I add water to the shampoo bottle when it's empty"; "We have Latino boyfriends, it's normal that we save the toothpaste for rice," they commented to the young woman, who had previously shared some of the things she has learned from her boyfriend.

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