Located in the heart of Ybor City, Tampa, is the Friends of José Martí Park, a small but significant space dedicated to the National Hero of Cuba.
This park not only honors the memory of the Apostle, it is also a legal and territorial enigma, as it is believed that the land could be owned by the government of the island, and therefore, a piece of Cuban territory on American soil.

The place is frequently visited by Cubans and Americans. Videos on social media, such as the one by user Enrique Sánchez Tápanes or by Melissa Hallock, show what the park is like inside and the excellent state of preservation and good atmosphere of the site.
The curious history of the park has recently been investigated by students from the International Studies Program at the University of South Florida, as reported by Univisión.
After exhaustive visits to the Records Library of the Hillsborough County Courthouse, the young researchers discovered a deed dated 1956 that transferred ownership of the land to the Government of Cuba.
The park property is legally described as Lot Five of Block 29 in Ybor City, and has a rich history of owners ranging from Ruperto and Paulina Pedroso, friends of Jose Marti, to Manuel Quevedo Jaureguizar and his wife Mercedes Carillo la Guardia, Cuban citizens who acquired the lot in 1951 with the intention of donating it to Cuba.
Finally, in September 1956, the couple transferred the property to the Cuban State "out of love and affection for their homeland."
The donation deed, written in Spanish and translated into English in Havana, emphasizes the intention to preserve the place as an eternal tribute to José Martí.
This transaction was certified by the United States Consul in Havana and registered in Hillsborough County, consolidating the legality of the act in terms of the United States Government.
Despite the documentary evidence and the property being registered as tax-exempt under the name of the "Cuban State," some employees of the Hillsborough County Tax Assessor have expressed doubts about the Cuban property, suggesting that the city of Tampa might claim the land.
However, there is no record of legal actions taken by the city to dispute the ownership.
While the legality of Cuban ownership remains uncertain, the Friends of José Martí Park remains as a place to pay tribute to a key figure in Cuban history.
Visitors and residents enjoy the park, many of them fascinated by the idea that, by setting foot in this small corner of Ybor City, they are stepping into Cuban territory.
In this way, the park is not only a tribute to José Martí, but also a curious testimony to the complexity of the historical and legal relations between Cuba and the United States.
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