Cubans demand a change of system on social media: "July 11 continues."

Cubans have demanded on social media freedom for those detained in the July 11 protests and have expressed their desire for a change in the country's political system.

Cubanos expresan su apoyo a los manifestantes del 11J © Collage Facebook / CubaDecide
Cubans express their support for the July 11 protesters.Photo © Facebook Collage / CubaDecide

Cubans remembered this Thursday on social media the historic protests of July 11th and expressed their intention to continue fighting until achieving the freedom from the dictatorial regime that has kept the population in misery for decades.

The organization CubaDecide shared on Facebook some images that make it very clear the intention of the Cuban civilian population to continue demanding their rights.

Facebook screenshot / CubaDecide

The 11th of July is a historic day for us, a demonstration that together we are stronger than the regime. The change of system is the horizon towards which we are walking. The fight continues and will not end until we are free," the post pointed out, accompanied by several images.

The gallery showed several people holding signs with strong messages such as "11J continues", "system change", "government change", "I love my country, but I am ashamed of my government", and the hashtags #11JContinues and #SystemChange.

Several Cuban artists living abroad have joined the initiative to remember the historic protests of July 11, 2021, by posting messages of support and demanding justice for the political prisoners who still remain in the regime's jails.

Los Pichy Boys, Randy Malcom, Leoni Torres, Baby Lores, Andy Vázquez, and Yotuel, among others, recalled the demonstrations and warned that the causes of the social upheaval persist, such as the lack of political freedom, freedom of expression, and artistic creativity.

Out of the historic and massive protests that took place on July 11th and 12th in several cities in Cuba against the regime, there are still 600 demonstrators imprisoned out of the 1,500 detained for peacefully defending their dream of freedom.

The Díaz-Canel regime is prepared to repress new protests this summer, as it did on July 11 by calling on communists to confront peaceful demonstrators.

These riots are expected amid continuous blackouts due to lack of money to buy fuel; with hyperinflation, which closed the month of May with a 31% year-on-year growth; with a government unable to control the exchange rate and with public services, such as healthcare, going through the worst crisis in its history due to lack of investments that have mainly been used to grease the police and repressive machinery.

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