State Security in Pinar del Río interrogates Catholic activist Dagoberto Valdés

The Catholic activist has been a victim of State security harassment on several occasions.

Dagoberto Valdés © Facebook / Dagoberto Valdés
Dagoberto ValdésPhoto © Facebook / Dagoberto Valdés

The Catholic activist Dagoberto Valdés Hernández, founder of the Convivencia Studies Center (CEC), was interrogated this Wednesday by the State Security (SE) of Pinar del Río.

The CEC reported on Facebook that the activist was once again a victim of harassment by the political police in Cuba.

Facebook screenshot / Center for Coexistence Studies - CEC

The note specifies that Valdés attended this Wednesday at 9:00 am at the headquarters of the SE in Pinar del Río, as indicated in the summons that was delivered the day before.

His identity card was taken and the two companions were removed, the statement pointed out. "He waited in the reception for over five hours, and the interrogation began around 2:40 pm."

Major Lazaro, from the State Security, began the interrogation by asking for personal information to complete the "warning record" that he had printed out.

"The aim was to warn him about the possibility of committing six offenses classified in the current Penal Code," the publication states, mentioning among them incitement to violence, association to commit crimes, destabilization of international peace, and violation of constitutional precepts.

In addition, Valdés was warned that there was nothing to celebrate on the 11th and 12th of July, as the 2021 demonstrations were considered violent acts.

The organization's statement specified that Major Ernesto, the officer "in charge" of the CEC, joined the interrogation and reaffirmed the warning that had been given to the Catholic leader on June 24 not to leave or participate in activities on July 11 and 12.

The publication reported that the leader "firmly refused the possibility of committing the mentioned crimes or any others, as well as signing said document."

Valdés was also threatened by both officers, who warned him not to allow himself to be "influenced by individuals and associations, both inside and outside of Cuba, who seek to involve him in the organization of acts against the government", as happened last May, when they were intercepted on the road by the police.

Both members of the SE argued that they had knowledge of "their participation in the reception for the Independence Day of the United States, a government that has been a historical enemy of Cuba, this event being a meeting point for people funded by the enemy to destabilize our country."

The interrogation lasted an hour and a half, and in total, Valdés had to remain at the headquarters of the SE in Pinar del Río for more than seven hours, which is another act of intimidation against the religious activist.

However, the director of CEC inquired about the reasons for the delay and received the response that "the instructor was carrying out other activities."

The CEC reported on Facebook that last Tuesday, Valdés was summoned by the police, and when he asked about the reasons, he was informed that an SE officer would explain it to him. Additionally, he was warned that "if I did not show up, I would be in contempt."

Facebook screenshot / Coexistence Studies Center - CEC

The organization also reported that Valdés was visited by Major Ernesto on Monday, June 24, 2024, to warn him not to go out on July 11 and 12. On Wednesday, July 3, the same officer called him to say that he had been to his house but did not find anyone, which demonstrates that the activist has been repeatedly subjected to harassment and threats by the SE.

Due to his political opposition to the Cuban authoritarian regime and his intellectual and social work, Dagoberto Valdés, a resident of the western city of Pinar del Río, constantly suffers harassment from the State Security, including arbitrary detentions and official marginalization, as reported by the news site.

As part of this harassment by the regime, the Catholic activist has been previously questioned by the political police.

In 2023, for example, Valdés was summoned by the SE of Pinar del Río for questioning.

"I was told that they were giving me an official warning because the Danish journalist Øjvind Kyrø, who interviewed me over 15 years ago in Vitral and visited my house two months ago, was organizing sessions with 16 people to learn more about Cuba," explained the activist after leaving the police station.

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