A Cuban loses 70 thousand pesos on Granma bus to Havana.

The complainant stated that she handed the briefcase with money to the driver Hanoy, in Veguitas, who operates bus 0855 for the Víazul company, covering the route Havana-Bueycito-Manzanillo.

Cubana denunció que perdió el dinero que trasladaba este ómnibus arrendado © Facebook / Maylin Pérez
Cubana reported that it lost the money being transported in this rented bus.Photo © Facebook / Maylin Pérez

Maylin Pérez recently reported on social media that she lost 70,000 pesos that were inside a package sent on a bus trip from Granma to Havana on June 29th.

The affected person explained on Facebook that the money, contained in a briefcase, was handed over to the driver Hanoy in Veguitas, who operates bus 0855 for the Víazul company, covering the Havana-Bueycito-Manzanillo route.

Facebook screenshot / Maylin Pérez

He explained that he regularly used the driver's delivery services, who charged for it, hence he did not feel the need to inform about the package's contents.

"I failed to inform him of the contents of the briefcase," emphasized Pérez, who argued that on many other occasions he had sent money through this method without ever being asked about the contents of the package.

He stated that the briefcase, closed with a fastening and containing another smaller one with the money, never reached its destination.

Pérez expressed his frustration, emphasizing the effort and sacrifice behind the lost money. Additionally, he mentioned that this is not the first time that some people have reported losses on this bus, warning other users about the risk of using this service.

In his statement, he emphasized that the only crew member who showed concern was Yoan, describing him as a good boy, while the others showed no interest in the matter.

The affected person finished her story by urging users to be very careful when using the packaging and transportation services of this bus, and warning that "there is a thief in the crew."

It is very painful that the money a person manages to save, in a country where the salary barely covers a week's worth of food, is stolen. The same goes for the belongings that one usually takes on a trip.

A Cuban woman reported on social media that she had been a victim of luggage theft on Monday, February 12th while traveling from Havana to Pinar del Río in a private vehicle shared with other passengers.

Facebook/Sales Ova Junction

The internet user Patricia del Llano explained that on that day she left from the bus terminal in Havana and asserts that another passenger, who also got on from that place like her, got off at the Ova bridge and took luggage that didn't belong to her.

Other reports related to luggage theft have been made by people who have recently arrived from abroad and have been victims of theft on the road section from José Martí International Airport to the city center.

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