Diasniurka Salcedo resumes profession as a hairdresser in Miami: "My people from 'Patria y Vida' get discounts"

The Cuban activist, who fulfills the dream of being a hairdresser in the freedom that living in the USA offers, said that she will offer discounts to her "Patria y Vida" team.

The activist Diasniurka Salcedo Verdecia, who left Cuba due to regime harassment, shared on social media this Wednesday her personal achievement of resuming her profession as a hairdresser in Miami, stating that her "Patria y Vida" people would receive a discount.

"Those from 'Homeland and Life' with a discount percentage, it's serious!" emphasized Salcedo on Facebook, a social media platform where she has been making visible the abuses committed by the dictatorship against the citizens and herself for several years.

Facebook screenshot / Diasniurka Salcedo Verdecia

"You are in Miami, and want to fix your hair, you write me and we schedule," pointed out the activist who worked as a hairdresser in Cuba, a profession she is passionate about, and recently resumed in the United States.

"I became a hairdresser because the regime did not allow me to work in what I studied, for thinking differently, I started in a pig pen, transformed it into a humble hair salon, and to see myself now, studying in this great country, where they are giving me the opportunity to live, be happy, and be free," was an emotional message published by the activist who has helped many Cubans.

Facebook screenshot / Diasniurka Salcedo Verdecia

"¡Querer es poder!" was another message recently shared by Salcedo on social media, summarizing in few words his life over the last few months. After managing to leave Cuba, he faced a difficult journey to reach the United States with his family.

Facebook screenshot / Diasniurka Salcedo Verdecia

Recently, another Cuban activist showed how he is achieving his dreams after escaping from the Cuban regime.

Pedro López shared on social media this Tuesday that he started working as a lathe operator in Germany, a trade he practiced in the Caribbean nation before being forced to emigrate to escape persecution and harassment from the regime.

"Once again, in what I am passionate about, thank you Germany," wrote the Cuban, a relative of the political prisoner from July 11th (11J) Andy García Lorenzo, who in 2023 sold his turning workshop in Santa Clara to escape the regime's persecution along with his family.

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