The United States returns 54 irregular migrants to Cuba.

Among the 54 repatriated migrants, there are 40 men and 14 women. They were returned to Cuba from the U.S. by air. Two individuals are facing investigations for serious crimes.

Vuelo de deportación de cubanos (imagen de referencia) © Embajada de Estados Unidos en La Habana
Deportation flight of Cubans (reference image)Photo © U.S. Embassy in Havana

A group of 54 irregular migrants was returned to Cuba from the United States on a flight that landed at José Martí International Airport on July 18.

According to the Ministry of the Interior (MININT), the group is made up of 40 men and 14 women. Most of these individuals had legally left Cuba, but later joined irregular routes to reach the U.S. border.

Of the returnees, six left the country illegally, and two of them were transferred to the investigative body for being involved in alleged serious criminal acts.

This operation adds to the 53 repatriations carried out so far this year, totaling 823 people returned to Cuba from various countries in the region, both by air and by sea.

The Ministry of the Interior stated that these repatriation actions are part of the efforts between Cuba and the United States to tackle irregular migration and the associated crimes.

On June 20, another group of irregular migrants was returned to Cuba by air from the United States. On that occasion, there were 56 Cubans (12 women and 44 men). They also arrived on the island at the "José Martí" International Airport in Havana.

In recent weeks, several cases of Cubans with I-220B have been reported, who have been detained by U.S. authorities and are facing tough legal processes to avoid being deported to Cuba soon.

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