Five cities in Florida top the list of the best places to buy a home for the first time in the U.S.

WalletHub identified the cities that offer the best opportunities for first-time homebuyers in the United States. The top five cities on the list are in Florida.

Casas en venta en Florida © Redes sociales
Houses for sale in FloridaPhoto © Social media

Buying a house is the dream of thousands of Latino families in the United States. If you are a Cuban resident in Florida and are considering establishing your home in the southern state, here is a list of the best places to buy a home for the first time.

A recent study by WalletHub highlights five cities in Florida that stand out as the best options for first-time homebuyers in the United States.

List of cities, image capture inWalletHub

The research compared 300 different cities, using 22 key indicators of market attractiveness, affordability, and quality of life. Among these indicators are the cost of living, property taxes, and crime rate.

Buying a house in the United States for an immigrant family is not an easy task. The rising prices and interest rates make this goal increasingly difficult to achieve.

In 2023, first-time buyers represented only 32% of the market, compared to the historical average of 40%. In this challenging context, finding the right location is crucial for those looking to invest in a home.

It is likely that your first home may not be in Miami, where real estate prices have skyrocketed considerably, but there are other options in Florida, with excellent quality of life, diverse educational opportunities, and professional prospects that will allow you to establish your home.

Five cities in Florida where to buy your first home in the U.S.

1. Palm Bay is the best city for first-time buyers. It stands out for having the highest number of active housing listings per capita and the highest number of new building permits per capita.

This abundance of options, both for new and old homes, makes the search easier depending on your budget. Interestingly, the city has the third highest homeownership rate among millennials and promises a high appreciation in property values, with a 106% increase between 2016 and 2022.

2. Cape Coral stands out for its large number of housing listings and new construction permits. This city has the highest number of real estate agents per capita in the country, which makes the buying process easier because there is competition in the market, and you can find offers that match your interests.

Cape Coral is also recognized for its low crime rate, both for violent crimes and property crimes. Additionally, it has the ninth-best school system, making it attractive for families with children.

3. Port St. Lucie has the second lowest property crime rate and the twenty-third lowest foreclosure rate among the 300 cities analyzed. It also offers a safe environment and job options for those who settle there with their families.

4. Tampa stands out for its attractive real estate market, with the sixth highest rate in this indicator and the best quality of life among the 300 cities evaluated.

Its affordability may not be the most outstanding, but the combination of a robust real estate market and a high quality of life makes it a very attractive option for first-time buyers.

Orlando is a world-renowned city for its tourist attractions, its diverse real estate market, and excellent quality of life. It has job opportunities in the service sector and a good educational system, making it ideal for investing in a first home in the U.S.

At a time when buying a home may seem like an unattainable dream, places like Palm Bay, Cape Coral, Port St. Lucie, Tampa, and Orlando offer renewed hope for first-time buyers, providing an ideal combination of cost, quality of life, and safety.

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Gretchen Sánchez

Branded Content Writer at CiberCuba. Doctor in Sciences from the University of Alicante and Bachelor's in Sociocultural Studies.

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