Corruption scandal in ZED Mariel: More than 21 million Cuban pesos embezzled.

The diversion of resources in the Electric Company of Artemisa causes losses of over 21 million CUP and multiple arrests.

Zona Especial de Desarrollo del Mariel © ZED Mariel/ Twitter
Special Development Zone of MarielPhoto © ZED Mariel/ Twitter

A corruption scandal in the Mariel Special Development Zone (ZEDM) results in a misappropriation of over 21 million pesos and several workers sanctioned.

El Artemiseño reports that the case began to be investigated in 2023 when the Electrical Company of Artemisa was a victim of a embezzlement scheme involving high-ranking officials and employees, demonstrating the vulnerability of the internal control system.

The Warehouse Manager of the Base Business Unit (UEB) of the Special Development Zone of Mariel (ZEDM), taking advantage of his access to the Sinscont5 accounting system, manipulated inventory records to appropriate resources intended for energy development.

This criminal act caused economic damage valued at 21,127,548.47 CUP, significantly affecting the country's energy infrastructure.

Three specialized electrical linemen from the same unit collaborated in the diversion of resources, using state vehicles to transport and sell products in the informal market.

The acts of corruption involve six executives and other workers who failed in their supervisory responsibilities.

In total, thirteen people were accused of crimes such as forgery of banking documents, embezzlement, failure to fulfill the duty to preserve the assets of economic entities, receiving stolen property, and theft.

Four of those involved are in provisional detention. The case is presented to the Criminal Chamber of the Provincial Court of Artemisa by the Public Prosecutor's Office, for the filing of charges and the holding of a trial.

The requested sanctions range from eight to eighteen years of imprisonment, with corrective labor measures for other defendants.

This scandal highlights the urgent need to strengthen control and supervision mechanisms in all Cuban economic entities, where cases of embezzlement are on the rise.

The Electric Company of Artemisa stated that it has taken measures to correct the deficiencies that allowed this corruption, but did not specify what those actions are.

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