MINCIN officials manually bottle the oil from the warehouse in Havana.

The images shared on social media, showing the manual bottling of oil, caused great outrage.

Envase manual del aceite destinado a la canasta básica © Collage X / @BetsyDazVelzqu2
Manual packaging of oil intended for the basic basketPhoto © Collage X / @BetsyDazVelzqu2

The Minister of Domestic Trade, Betsy Díaz Velázquez, shared on social media images of the manual packaging process of the oil intended for the warehouses of Havana, which has generated great outrage.

Díaz posted on the social network X images showing a group of workers from the Ministry of Domestic Trade (MINCIN) manually bottling oil with jars and funnels, without complying with any hygiene or food safety measures.

Capture of X / Betsy Díaz Velázquez

"Workers from MINCIN are engaged in the packaging of oil intended for the regulated family basket of Havana," pointed out the minister.

In another post, the official in charge stated that the packaging of the oil was part of a volunteer effort "at the Territorial Wholesale Company of Food Products in Havana, with the goal of packaging some of the oil from the regulated family basket."

Capture of X / Betsy Díaz Velázquez

The images showing the manual packaging of oil, violating all hygiene standards, have caused outrage on the social network X.

@VoltusVCuba commented: "At least five hygiene fines for each of them, and for you, removal from your position, since it’s clear that you don’t have the slightest idea of how food should be handled. The minister says... Feed the pigs, the order has been given. How disgusting, I don't want oil that might fry a hair."

For his part, the user @KipsineO pointed out: “A minister showcasing how Cuba is progressing. That photo is a poem to misery, not to mention sanitary issues. What a disaster Cuba is in one photo.”

"Without a buccal-nasal mask, laughing and talking over the product. 'Do they know about food safety?' pointed out @andy_sv1986."

That opinion was shared by @eulogiosorio, who pointed out that "Canel is still talking about food security, circular economy, blah, blah, blah."

For its part, @Blancoy48488239 expressed: “Normalizing communist misery, you should feel ashamed of such filth.”

"In any place in the world, you would be jailed for this, but since you are so stupid, you don't even realize it," said @ReinaldoEchev11.

"Betsy, delete the post before they call you in the middle of the night to tell you that you're going off air like Bejarano," mocked the user @Camaguey1514.

Recently, the Cuban government confirmed the ongoing issues in the distribution of the products in the regulated food basket that it sells to its population, which has not been complete for years or suffers from constant delays.

"2023 concluded with impacts on beans, sugar, oil, coffee, chicken, meat products, eggs, and domestic fuels, which persisted into the first quarter of 2024," stated a report from the official digital site Cubadebate, which presented the "accountability" of MINCIN before the National Assembly of People's Power.

Reports of delays and shortages in the standardized basket continue to be seen on social media.

It is worth noting that at the beginning of July, the residents of Holguín received the missing rice that the government owed them from June. A similar situation occurred throughout the eastern region of the island.

Since 2022, the dependence on imports to secure products has increased due to the decrease in national production of rice, beans, eggs, milk, and other foods.

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