Cuban government concedes to protests from the Masons and agrees to let them hold elections.

In an unprecedented event in the history of Cuban Freemasonry, dozens of brothers protested against the Grand Master of the Order, who was expelled for corruption and reinstated by the government for being loyal to the regime.

Masones cubanos congregados ante la Gran Logia y en el vestíbulo del edificio © Captura de video de YouTube de CubaNet
Cuban Freemasons gathered in front of the Grand Lodge and in the lobby of the building.Photo © YouTube video capture from CubaNet

The Ministry of Justice (MINJUS) of Cuba had no choice but to accept that the Grand Masonic Lodge hold elections to choose a new Grand Master, following the loud protest staged by the Freemasons against the leader imposed on them by the regime.

On Tuesday, in an unprecedented event in the history of Cuban masonry, dozens of brothers gathered at the Grand Lodge of Cuba to protest against the reinstatement, by the MINJUS, of Mario Urquía Carreño as Grand Master of the Order, who was expelled earlier this year by the masons themselves after the disappearance of $19,000.

In response to the government's position to reinstate Urquía Carreño in his position, disregarding the will of the lodges, the Cuban Masonic community expressed its rejection of what it deemed a serious interference.

In response, the Directorate of Associations of MINJUS -the same one that at the time invalidated the expulsion of the Grand Master- has now indicated to repeat the elections in accordance with the organization's statutes "and the will of its members."

According to the note shared by the state-run Cuban News Agency, a "thorough evaluation of decisions" made by the Supreme Council of the 33rd Degree for the Republic of Cuba and the Grand Lodge of Cuba was carried out, regarding matters related to sanctions on members of the Masonic bodies and the election of their leaders.

The conclusion of MINJUS was that there were "irregularities due to non-compliance with its internal statutes."

The organization could not refrain from politicizing the internal affairs of the organization by stating that "Freemasonry in Cuba has been characterized by its Cuban identity, patriotism, respect for the laws, and appropriate relationships with the Directorate of Associations of the Ministry of Justice."

In the protest on Tuesday, according to the independent media outlet CubaNet, some Freemasons expressed their concern about the government's intention to try to "dominate the Freemasons and get rid of all those who are uncomfortable for the dictatorship."

The concentration took place despite the pressures from State Security to suspend the event and in front of a strong operation of repressors dressed in civilian clothes who arrived at the building located at the corner of Carlos III and Belascoaín avenues in Centro Habana.

The Freemasons stood in front of the headquarters of the Order and expressed the reasons why they were there: to inform Urquía Carreño of their opinion on the illegitimacy of the position he usurped with the help of the State's repressive apparatus, and to negotiate his departure from the office to make way for a new manager who would redirect the process of electing a new leader.

"The Cuban masonry is making a very just claim regarding everything that is happening, and we consider that Mr. Urquía Carreño is a person with very low moral character to hold the position of Grand Master and represent us and be our voice neither here nor anywhere in the world," said Evelio Núñez from the Eureka lodge.

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