Inaugurate breastfeeding area at the National Bus Terminal in Santiago de Cuba.

The National Bus Company showcased this new space designed for mothers and their children to wait comfortably before boarding the bus.

Área de lactancia en la terminal de ómnibus de Santiago de Cuba © Collage Facebook / Ómnibus Nacionales Santiago de Cuba
Breastfeeding area at the bus terminal in Santiago de CubaPhoto © Collage Facebook / Ómnibus Nacionales Santiago de Cuba

The National Bus Company recently announced the opening of a breastfeeding area at the terminal in Santiago de Cuba.

The Facebook profile of Ómnibus Nacionales Santiago de Cuba announced last Tuesday the inauguration of a new lounge, which it boasted about, highlighting that it is intended for mothers and their children to wait comfortably before boarding the bus.

Facebook Capture / National Buses Santiago de Cuba

"For the people, the work of the UEB of National Buses in Santiago de Cuba is emphasized," boasted the company, which is often the subject of strong criticism for the poor quality of the service they provide.

Recently, dozens of Cubans spent up to five days on the waiting list at the bus terminal in Havana, amid the transportation and fuel crisis in the country.

Facebook Capture / Yosmany Mayeta

The journalist Yosmany Mayeta posted images of several people of all ages, including small children, sleeping on the floor of the Villa Nueva Terminal in Havana.

The Cuban government recently acknowledged the transportation crisis in the country, revealing that more than half of the provincial routes are paralyzed, according to information provided during the latest session of the Cuban Parliament.

Eduardo Rodríguez Dávila, Minister of Transportation, stated that by the end of April, 52% of the routes of the provincial transportation companies were paralyzed, according to the official newspaper Granma.

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