Cuban reunites with his mother after 8 years: "It couldn't happen in Cuba but it did in Punta Cana"

A Cuban shared the moment that his mother and brother experienced in Punta Cana.

After eight years apart, a Cuban was finally able to reunite with his mother. An emotional moment that the user @nenguerf.87 shared on their TikTok profile, who did not hesitate to show the beautiful scene featuring his brother and mother when they saw each other again in Punta Cana.

According to this user, his brother, who lives in Miami, managed to reunite with their mother, who lives in Cuba, in Punta Cana after 8 years.

"It couldn't be done in Cuba but it could in Punta Cana. 8 long years my mother and my brother," he commented in the video. He also explained in the comments that he was in Cuba to see her, a negative experience for him.

"I returned from Cuba a week ago and I had a really bad time. Cuba is in extreme poverty, my brother is the one in Punta Cana and my mom says it's great there," he replied in the messages, where many congratulated him for this achievement for his family.

The video captures the moment when mother and son embrace in a heartfelt hug after being apart for so long. To accompany the images, @nenguerf.87 added the song "Como te pago" by Lenier Mesa.

This reunion is not only a testament to familial love but also a reminder of the many families who still hope to reunite someday.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the King Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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