53-year-old Cuban suffers unpleasant incident while dancing in the street: "The ladies defended me"

A 53-year-old Cuban faced an awkward situation while recording a dance for TikTok.

A 53-year-old Cuban had an unpleasant moment while dancing in the street. An event that we were able to witness since the woman was recording her dance to share it on TikTok.

The protagonist of this moment was @70queereparto, who shared the video in which she is dancing until a person walks by her side and she turns to confront him; apparently, more women nearby defended her against this man who confronted her. An exchange that is not audible, as the audio of the video is a song.

"While I was recording, this character passed by and offended me. I'm leaving the video just as it is, then he came back to apologize," he wrote about the video, describing what happened.

"They overdid it, the ladies defended me because it lasted a bit longer," added this Cuban, whose dances are very popular on the TikTok social network, where her videos accumulate thousands of views.

Fortunately, the man apologized to her, as he explained in the message he put on the video.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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