Humor: Types of newly arrived Cubans in the United States according to Javier Berridy

In the comments, many saw themselves in one of the types or someone they knew.

Javier Berridy has done it again with a new video on his social media, where he humorously describes the types of Cubans who have recently arrived in the United States.

In the video, the Cuban comedian dresses up, portrays, and acts as six archetypes of Cubans in the country: "The one who was a millionaire in Cuba," "The lazy one," "The critic," "The fighter," "The stunned one," and "The one who criticizes Miami."

"The one who was a millionaire in Cuba" laments having left a supposedly comfortable life on the island, while "The slacker" complains about the need to work in the United States. "The critic" can't find anything to his liking, especially the food, which lacks flavor and isn't on par with the pork on the island or the avocado. "The bewildered one" faces difficulties adapting to social norms, such as hitting on women, "The fighter" came to take on the world, and "The one who criticizes Miami" keeps pointing out the negative aspects of the city.

In the comments, the laughter, the applause, and even the experiences and opinions have continued to accumulate on both platforms, TikTok and Instagram, where the Cuban comedian -who has been in the United States for 20 years- shared his parody.

"I am currently a mutant of the Fighter with the Pasmao"; "Everyone was a millionaire in Cuba"; "The only truth is that the food here has nothing to do with that of Cuba." Others adopted a more critical tone: "For those who don't like the USA... there's the door... no one here is going to miss them"; "I identify with those who criticize Miami"; "Literally," is read among the hundreds of reactions.

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