Indirect hint for La Dura? Pollito Tropical sparks controversy: "You could be here, but you stopped following me."

The relationship between Cuban influencers Pollito Tropical and La Dura has deteriorated following a controversial interview with La Mija.

The relationship between Pollito Tropical and La Dura may not be at its best following the interview that the Cuban influencer conducted with the content creator, Lianet Martí, also known as La Mija. Although Diliamne Jouve (the real name of La Dura) was not directly mentioned during the conversation, many assumed that La Mija was referring to her when she stated that an influencer was sending her content to Adrián Peachy to criticize her styling.

In response to the accusations from La Mija, Pollito Tropical remained silent, which is believed to have upset Jacob Forever's wife, who unfollowed Pollito the next day. Instead of calming the situation and resolving their differences, the controversy intensified when a video of Pollito Tropical alongside La Mija went viral at a yacht event in Miami.

In the video, Pollito said in front of a microphone: "You could be here, but you stopped following me," a phrase that many interpreted as directed at La Dura.

On Instagram, reactions came swiftly. While some supported La Dura in this controversy, others criticized Pollito's attitude, recalling the friendship they once shared.

“At a certain point, they had a friendship; out of respect, they shouldn’t make those kinds of comments,” “She’s billing and they’re gossiping; there are levels,” “How ugly that your friend of years is acting like this; disappointing,” “You have to laugh; what nonsense!!!! Do you think La Dura is going to be at that pathetic event?” “There’s nothing in the world that hurts more than ignorance; all that trash talk is because La Dura hasn’t reacted to their nonsense,” or “What I love most about La Dura is that she’s so tough that she doesn’t fall for this,” are some of the reactions to this video.

Here, the interview:

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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