Camila Arteche dusts off a photo from her childhood: Are you also proud of the person you have become?

In a touching video on Instagram, the Cuban actress shared what a conversation with her past self would be like.

For Camila Arteche, looking back at everything that has been her life is synonymous with pride and satisfaction for all her achievements both personally and professionally.

The Cuban actress dusted off a childhood photo and in a touching Instagram video shared what a conversation with her past self would be like.

"Conversation with Camilita. And you, do you also feel proud of the person you have become?" the artist asked her followers.

"Are you still living with mom and dad?" was the first question that came up in this imaginary conversation: "No, you moved to another country, you have your own house, but mommy is fine and daddy is watching over you from heaven."

There had to be a question about the grandparents: "Grandma is still a warrior and Grandpa has become an angel."

"Are you still dressing up?" asks the Camila of the past, and the one from the present now understands that acting was her path since she was a child: "Yes, it's just that this time we have more spectators."

“At the end, what do we work for?” a worried question about the future, but what is heard is too fascinating: “We embody the skin of other people and tell stories that make one reflect and enjoy.”

After assuring her that some friends have stayed over the years and that new ones have arrived, she wanted to know if a prince charming had appeared to rescue her: "You haven't needed any prince; you've saved yourself."

Some things have changed, others remain the same, but one thing is clear in this imaginary conversation between the girl Camila and the woman Camila: she feels very proud of everything she has achieved in life.

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Deneb González

Editor of CiberCuba Entertainment

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