Cuban chess champion triumphs as an entrepreneur in Spain.

Karla Fernández, chess champion in Cuba, has been succeeding as an entrepreneur in Galicia since 2022, combining chess and education.

Karla July Fernández © ACN
Karla July FernándezPhoto © ACN

Cuban Karla July Fernández, international chess master and gold medalist in national championships in Cuba, found her new home in Galicia, Spain, and stands out as an entrepreneur.

Karla is 25 years old, started practicing chess at the age of 8, and has competed internationally, representing Cuba in the World Youth Championship in 2017 in Tarvisio, Italy. Additionally, she excelled as a gold medalist in national championships in the under 12, under 14, and under 18 categories.

In 2022, Karla emigrated to Spain to continue her academic training, starting a master's program focused on researching the benefits of chess for people with ADHD. She is currently pursuing a doctorate in the same field.

The idea of working self-employed was unfamiliar to her. However, the support from her surroundings and a change in Spanish legislation encouraged her to start her own path.

In Galicia, she found in the Club Alexandre Bóveda a team of colleagues who encouraged her to venture into the world of entrepreneurship. She has participated in the Galician honor league of chess, being the only woman with the title of international master.

"As an immigrant and new arrival, I never thought I would have the courage and legal ways to be self-employed," Karla told La Voz de Galicia in an interview.

Thanks to her talent and charisma, the young Cuban has consolidated her business in a short time. She currently has numerous students and her schedule is filled with classes and tournaments.

"The best part is that I can organize my schedule and choose the methodology I want to follow with my students. I wouldn't like being told what to teach my students... I can't see myself having a boss," he expressed.

Being an entrepreneur in Spain is not an easy task. Karla acknowledges that there is a certain uncertainty because "you don't know how much you are going to earn at the end of the month."

However, the satisfaction of overcoming those fears and enjoying economic freedom outweighs any inconvenience.

Karla Fernández has not only demonstrated her skill on the chessboard but also her ability to adapt and succeed in a new environment, gradually establishing herself as an entrepreneur in Galicia.

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