Actress Amarilys Núñez reports theft at the Customs of Cuba: "It's a shame of a country"

The actress expressed that if she had been the victim instead of her sister, she would probably be in prison.

Actriz cubana denuncia robo en aeropuerto de Varadero © Facebook / Aeropuerto Internacional Juan Gualberto Gómez Ferrer y Luis Funes
Cuban actress reports theft at Varadero airportPhoto © Facebook / Juan Gualberto Gómez International Airport Ferrer and Luis Funes

The Cuban actress Amarilys Núñez reported this Wednesday on social media that her sister was a victim of theft at the customs of the Varadero International Airport, when they "confiscated" some hams and chorizos she was sending to their mother.

"It is not the first time I have brought them or sent them to Cuba, I know perfectly well that it is not a violation, that I am not breaking any law, and they were all vacuum-sealed," said the popular Cuban actress living in Miami, emphasizing that she was fully aware that she could send those foods to her mother, as she had done on other occasions without any problems.

Facebook Capture / Amarilys Núñez Barrios

Núñez recounted that her sister arrived at Varadero airport on the night of Tuesday, where she was the victim of a robbery as "everything that my work and my effort bought for my mother" was confiscated from her, the actress expressed, visibly enraged.

Last week, during a visit to Canada to see her older niece and her family, Cuban actress Amarilys Núñez took the opportunity to buy her mother some hams and chorizos, products that are her mother’s favorites.

The Varadero airport customs justified the seizure by stating that, having been purchased at a supermarket in Montreal, they did not carry the distinctive seal of the Canadian leaf.

"The order of the day in Cuba is to steal, to exercise the little power that customs officials have, to take from honest people who do work very hard," the actress noted.

In addition, he said that in Cuba there is no law or order, that people do not know honesty, pointing out that morality, justice, and values have disappeared: “It is a shameful country, a pain in the heart of every Cuban, who today feels ashamed to be one.”

Núñez expressed that her frustration is so great that she regrets not being the one who arrived at the airport that night, stating that, had that been the case, she would probably be in jail right now.

Finally, he pointed out the culprit: “Who has managed to turn an honorable people into dung?”.

The outrage of the Cuban actress Amarilys Núñez is justified by the fact that, since 2023, the Cuban regime has allowed travelers and individuals to import more animal-based foods as a temporary solution to the ongoing scarcity that has yet to be resolved.

In the face of the serious economic crisis that plunges the country into rampant inflation, with high prices, shortages, and salaries that devalue daily, Cuban authorities have broadened the range of food products that can be brought into the national territory in the luggage of travelers and individuals.

In this regard, the authorities of the Cuban regime agreed to facilitate the (temporary) import of canned meat products (beef and pork), duly identified and from recognized brands originating from France, Spain, Portugal, the United States, Canada, Mexico, Panama, Costa Rica, Honduras, Nicaragua, Ecuador, Colombia, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, and Uruguay.

Likewise, the temporary importation of canned meat products from birds originating from Spain, France, the Dominican Republic, Honduras, Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Brazil, and Uruguay has been authorized.

Before, since 2022, the regime authorized the importation of vacuum-packed fresh meats, among other food products, in light of the severe economic crisis that has plunged the country into rampant inflation, with high prices, shortages, and salaries that are devalued daily.

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