Caught her in the bathroom! Seidy La Niña's best friend surprises her after 6 years without seeing each other.

Seidy La Niña was in shock when she saw her best friend at her house.

What a surprise Seidy La Niña had when she found her best friend in her house in Miami after six years without seeing each other. A reunion that we were able to witness after the Cuban singer shared the video of the moment with all her followers.

The scene shows the artist's best friend walking through her house to finally find her in the bathroom. And Seidy's face says it all: pure surprise!

"I was in shock. I hadn't seen my best friend in 6 years, and he surprised me when I wasn't supposed to see him, but God makes things happen differently! But I'm happy to see him. Oh my God, he says he's mulatico. Get ready for what's coming," commented the interpreter, who after hugging in the bathroom, had an energetic dance to celebrate their reunion after all this time apart.

Some images that the singer's followers also celebrated in the comments, where they dedicated all kinds of positive messages to these friends who will surely make up for all the lost time.

This surprise for Seidy La Niña comes just a few days after the memorable moment she starred in at the 15th birthday party of a young fan.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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