El Puma sends a message to Nicolás Maduro: "Enough, you have to leave Venezuela."

El Puma demands Maduro and Chavista leaders to give up power after losing elections, calling for an end to 25 years of dictatorship in Venezuela.

The renowned Venezuelan singer José Luis Rodríguez, known as El Puma, made strong statements against Nicolás Maduro, demanding his departure from power in Venezuela.

In a direct and forceful message, El Puma told Maduro: "Enough of dictatorships in Venezuela, you have to leave. Go to hell."

These words are due to Nicolás Maduro's attempts to perpetuate himself in power, despite having lost the elections on July 28, where Edmundo González and María Corina Machado demonstrated victory with the electoral documents in hand.

El Puma, who has lived in Miami for more than thirty years, also mentioned several political leaders of chavismo, urging them to leave the country and allow Venezuela to regain its path towards democracy.

Chavismo has been in power for 25 years; the singer pointed out that it is the longest-lasting dictatorship in the recent history of Venezuela.

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