Camila Guiribitey: "People want to see luxury, they want to see that Latinos succeed."

Showing off the luxury that surrounds her has become a constant theme in her publications, but something underlies all this display of homes, cars, vacations, clothes, shoes, and brand accessories.

With over two million subscribers on YouTube and one million followers on Instagram, Camila Guiribitey is one of those influencers with a legion of fans who are attentive to all her content.

Showing the luxury that surrounds her has become a constant theme in her posts, but something lies beneath all this display of houses, cars, vacations, clothes, shoes, and brand accessories.

In an interview with Rodner Figueroa, Camila confessed that always behind all that splendor, she tries to convey that everything is achieved with effort, dedication, and a lot of hard work.

His parents arrived from Cuba to the United States with 20 dollars in their pocket, but for years they worked very hard in the real estate business until they achieved the fortune they enjoy today.

The only thing her parents demanded was an anniversary degree, and that is how she graduated as a dentist. Although many wouldn't believe it, she clarifies that from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. she works as a dentist, and amidst the whirlwind of being a mom, wife, and dentist, she is also an influencer.

Camila confesses that she earns very well as an influencer but acknowledges that as a dentist she still earns more.

The question of how much Camila Guiribitey's closet is worth leaves many in suspense, and without being able to give an exact figure, she says it's worth millions.

"People want to see luxury, people want to see that Latinos succeed," she states very confidently, and she remembers that it was thanks to her dad suggesting that she make YouTube videos about luxury cars that her subscribers skyrocketed on that platform.

Whether on social media or YouTube, Camila and her family's success story has become, for many, especially Latinos, a kind of inspiration.

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Deneb González

Editor of CiberCuba Entertainment

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Deneb González

Deneb González

Editor of CiberCuba Entertainment