OAS approves resolution demanding transparency after elections in Venezuela

The OAS demands that the CNE of Venezuela publish the voting records to ensure transparency and respect the will of the people.

Mujeres con banderas de Venezuela © Wikimedia Commons
Women with Venezuelan flagsPhoto © Wikimedia Commons

The Permanent Council of the Organization of American States (OAS) approved a strong resolution on August 16 in response to the recent elections in Venezuela, highlighting the urgent need to ensure transparency in the electoral process and respect for the will of the people.

The resolution, presented by the United States along with other co-sponsoring countries, reflects a strong stance from the international community regarding the reported irregularities during the elections held on July 28.

In the extraordinary session, held in the Simón Bolívar Hall at the OAS headquarters in Washington, D.C., the document CP/doc. 6036/24 rev. 2 was discussed, which demands that the National Electoral Council (CNE) of Venezuela immediately publish the voting records and preserve popular sovereignty.

This call aims to ensure the transparency and legitimacy of the electoral process amid growing concerns about the political and social situation in the country.

The resolution emphasizes several key points, including the explicit request to the CNE to "quickly publish the minutes with the results of the presidential election voting at each polling station," and reaffirms "the fundamental principle of popular sovereignty through an impartial verification of the results that ensures the transparency, credibility, and legitimacy of the electoral process."

Additionally, the document reaffirms the importance of "maintaining social peace and protecting human life and fundamental freedoms" as essential priorities at this delicate moment for Venezuela.

This resolution, supported by multiple countries in the region, highlights the concern of the international community and its commitment to democracy and human rights in Venezuela.

The OAS also urged all parties involved to respect the will of the Venezuelan people and to work towards a peaceful and democratic solution to the current crisis.

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