Franco de Vita gets emotional in Portugal during a demonstration of Venezuelans in favor of change.

"Exciting to meet with my fellow countrymen here in Porto, all asking for change in Venezuela, asking for peace and freedom! The truth cannot be hidden; this is what the people have said and this is what the people want," said the artist on his social media.

The Italian-Venezuelan singer, Franco De Vita, expressed his excitement in Portugal while attending a demonstration of Venezuelans in favor of change, held in the city of Porto.

"Exciting to meet my compatriots here in Porto, all asking for change in Venezuela, asking for peace and freedom! This is happening all over the world! The truth cannot be hidden; this is what the people have said and this is what the people want," said the artist on his social media.

Considered one of the most influential Latin artists of all time, the singer walked among the crowd gathered in front of the City Hall of Porto, located at the end of Avenida dos Aliados.

"Here we are reporting from Porto: Venezuela free!", exclaimed De Vita among the hundreds of protesters chanting "Out with Maduro! Out with Maduro!".

This Saturday, the Venezuelan opposition took to the streets of the country amid a large police presence. The demonstration, called to defend the electoral victory of Edmundo González Urrutia and denounce the massive fraud committed by the regime of Nicolás Maduro, was accompanied by other demonstrations from hundreds of thousands of Venezuelans in exile, who filled the squares in more than 300 cities around the world.

In April 2017, during an interview with Univisión journalist Jorge Ramos, De Vita spoke about the situation in Venezuela and his relationship with the country. “I feel very Venezuelan,” said the singer, who also shares his heart with Italy.

De Vita spoke about his song "Libre," which he defined as "a cry of desperation," and his way of expressing the political and social chaos that Venezuela was going through. On tour in the United States, the popular Venezuelan singer-songwriter called for a loud applause for the citizens of Venezuela who went out to protest against Maduro every day.

"I ask for a round of applause for the people who have risked their lives and those who have died, boys who have died from the gunfire of our guards, who are supposed to protect us and shoot against them," he exclaimed.

In February 2019, the singer used his social media to ask the government of Italy to support Juan Guaidó in Venezuela.

In response to the Italian government's refusal to support the proclamation of Guaidó as interim president of Venezuela, De Vita sent a strong message referencing the supportive past of Venezuelans, when they welcomed thousands of European migrants in the 20th century, including his own family, who had just experienced "hunger" in Italy.

"We are asking for humanitarian aid, people are dying," emphasized the singer. He also highlighted that "seeing the consulate full of people looking for passports" was evidence of the level of humanitarian emergency in Venezuela.

Franco De Vita's message joins that recently expressed by the well-known Venezuelan singer José Luis Rodríguez, known as El Puma, who launched harsh criticisms against Maduro, demanding his departure from power in Venezuela.

In a direct and forceful message, El Puma told Maduro: "Enough of dictatorships in Venezuela, you have to go. Get the hell out."

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