Cuban mother clarifies that she never abandoned her daughter in Havana.

The woman claims that she suffers from epilepsy attacks, had a seizure on the street, and her daughter got scared and left.


The mother of a little girl who was found alone on a street in Havana by a woman on Friday claims that she never abandoned her.

Yohana Charon shared a message on her Facebook account in which she reveals that her daughter is already with her and asks people to stop saying on the Internet that the girl is homeless.

Photo: Facebook / Yohana Charon

"She has a mother and father who are here for her. What happened was that I suffer from epileptic seizures. I was walking with my daughter on Acosta street and I had a convulsion, and my daughter, scared, left my side. Don't say anymore that I left her unprotected without actually knowing what happened," she explained.

Facebook Capture / Yohana Charon

"Right now, my girl is here with us, her family, thank God. Please, stop saying with your comments and posts that I abandoned her; share so that my words go viral," she added.

On Friday, the internet user Zairy Rodrigues shared a photo of a little girl on her Facebook wall and reported that she had been abandoned. She did not specify where she found her, but emphasized that she was at her home and asked for help in identifying her family.

"In this moment, I have her in my house. Please, if someone knows her and can provide me with her details and address, I would appreciate it," she wrote in an initial post.

Facebook capture / Zairy Rodríguez

In a second post, Rodrigues updated that the minor was already at the police station on Aguilera Street, in the Lawton neighborhood, in the Diez de Octubre municipality.

"Now we have handed this little angel over to the authorities, please share so that a responsible family member can take care of her," he wrote.

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