Imaray Ulloa dusts off photos with red hair: What do her fans think, is she changing her look again?

"They knew that I once had red hair," wrote the influencer in her Instagram stories.

Imaray Ulloa © Instagram / Imaray Ulloa
Imaray UlloaPhoto © Instagram / Imaray Ulloa

Imaray Ulloa enjoys changing her look a lot, showing herself to her followers and surprising them with hair of various colors, both short and long.

This time the Cuban influencer turned to the treasure trove of memories to dust off some photos from the time when she had long red hair.

"They knew that I once had red hair," she wrote in her Instagram stories before sharing some snapshots from back then.

Instagram Capture / Imaray Ulloa

In some, she appears with braided hair, in others, loose with waves or tied up, but one thing is very clear: red also looks very good on her.

Instagram capture / Imaray Ulloa

Searching for the photos with the red hair, Imaray found a snapshot with Pollito Tropical that she also shared with her followers, which was very fun.

Instagram Capture / Imaray Ulloa

"Would you like me to dye my hair red?" she asked her followers, who knows if the influencer will decide to go for this color again.

Although many prefer to see her in black, Imaray transformed into the "cooper girl" a few months ago and defended her change of look to her fans, guaranteeing that you can't always please everyone.

What do you think?


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Deneb González

Editor of CiberCuba Entertainment

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