They are collecting raw materials in Havana for the production of breast prosthetics.

The ecological project La Mina will collect raw materials on September 5, between 10:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m., at Consulado 310 between Neptuno and Virtudes, in Centro Habana.

  • CiberCuba Editorial Team

Materia prima recolectada (foto de referencia) © Facebook/Embajada Rebirth / Tercer Paraíso Cuba
Raw material collected (reference photo)Photo © Facebook/Embassy Rebirth / Third Paradise Cuba

The Cuban project La Mina, focused on waste treatment and promoting recycling, will collect raw materials in Havana, which will be used for the production of breast prostheses.

The initiative will take place on September 5, from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., at Consulado 310 between Neptuno and Virtudes, in Centro Habana.

People will be able to donate plastic, glass, paper, stuffing from bras, and used makeup, which will be used to create prosthetics, according to a report by the agency IPS Cuba on Facebook.

Facebook Capture/IPS

La Mina is a sustainable development venture that is part of the Embajada Rebirth/Tercer Paraíso Cuba project, promoted by the Italian artist Michelangelo Pistoletto and his foundation Cittadellarte, which "uses art and creativity to connect all kinds of organizational forms with the aim of working together towards sustainable development in Cuba," as stated on its website.

In May, they had already launched a call to donate used bras with padding in the cups, for the same purpose.

According to the post on the Facebook profile of Embajada Rebirth/Tercer Paraíso Cuba, the initiative was launched by the project Production of Textile Confections Estilos Maylié, whose production line “Maryfe, love and life” is “aimed at improving the quality of life for breast cancer oncology patients.”

Facebook Capture/Embassy Rebirth/Third Paradise Cuba

"This is an opportunity to give new life to something you no longer use and, at the same time, provide support and improve the quality of life for others," the text noted.

Another initiative of La Mina is "Copas para Cuba," which has been promoting the use of menstrual cups since 2021, an ecological alternative to sanitary pads.

During the past few weeks, the project has organized workshops in the provinces of Matanzas, Pinar del Río, Artemisa, and Havana about the benefits of the menstrual cup and its positive impact on the environment.

This summer, he also held workshops with children about environmental care and waste management using the 3Rs (reduce, reuse, recycle).

Last July, Embajada Rebirth/Tercer Paraíso Cuba, La Mina, and other projects carried out the "Reciclatón" in Havana, which collected raw materials - glass jars, fabric scraps, unused clothing, clean plastic, cardboard, etc. - for enterprises that recycle and reuse them to create new products.

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