Zajaris Fernández confesses her experience as an escort "Pretty Woman style."

The actress had to pretend to be the girlfriend of a gay friend.

Zajaris Fernández confessed one of the craziest experiences of her life; it turns out that a gay friend was paying her to pretend to be his girlfriend in front of his parents, who were unaware of his sexual orientation.

"Once I was an escort, not knowing that it was called escort," the Cuban actress recounts in an interview with Los Pichy Boys.

"He was a friend of mine who was a bird but hadn't told his family he was a bird; they were wealthy people, and his parents didn't live here. Every time the parents came, I had to go over there, and he would buy me a bunch of clothes and pay for me. Once, he took me to a meal with a bunch of forks, and I was like, 'What the hell is this? I'm making a fool of myself here,'" the artist recounted.

The Pichy Boys started joking that Zajaris's experience had been very much like Julia Roberts and Richard Gere in the movie Pretty Woman.

"I wish I could meet a Richard Gere," jokes the Cuban actress.

The term escort refers to a companion girl or escort, a woman who is paid to attend social events. The client pays her to accompany him to dinners, parties, meetings, etc.

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Deneb González

Editor of CiberCuba Entertainment

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