When he is about to release his next album "Insomnio," Nicky Jam has opened his heart by revealing in an interview with Jay Shetty that over the past year he has been dealing with issues related to alcohol. And it was precisely this that led him to announce his retirement last October. He himself has confirmed that this will not happen anytime soon.
"I am paying for many things that happened to me and many things I have done in the past," she said in Jay Shetty's podcast, acknowledging that despite all the good things she does, she has bad moments.
"I'm going to be very honest with you. I've never opened up about this in this type of show... I've been going through issues with alcoholism in the last year," confessed Nicky Jam, who we remember had addiction problems in the past.
Nicky Jam explained that he does not consider himself an alcoholic in the strict sense, as he does not drink every day, but he acknowledges that he can go several days in a row consuming alcohol excessively. Additionally, he confessed that he has turned to marijuana to manage the anxiety caused by quitting drinking, a measure that, according to him, has helped him feel better. He clarified that, although marijuana does not pose a problem for him, other substances in the past, such as cocaine and Percocet, did.
In this conversation, Nicky Jam also addressed how social expectations affect men when it comes to talking about mental health issues. "Many men go through mental health problems and don't talk about it. They are afraid because a man always has to maintain composure and avoid emotional reactions. But it’s not like that; sometimes I have anxiety, panic attacks, I get nervous, I shake. And I think about many things because I am a human being."
After this revelation, the song "Insomnio," which gives its name to the upcoming album, has a new meaning for its fans. "Before I hated alcohol, now I can't stop drinking, crazy to hide the pain that isn’t visible at first glance," says one of the verses of the song.
Despite this difficult year the singer is going through, it was recently revealed that he married Colombian model Juana Valentina Varón.
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