Cuban pleads for medical attention in Holguín: “If I die, the government will be to blame”

The 30-year-old man suffers from arthritis, psoriasis, and lupus, the latter developed as an adverse effect of the medications he takes to treat the first two diseases.

Joven culpa al régimen de su estado de salud © Facebook / Reynier H González
Young person blames the regime for their health condition.Photo © Facebook / Reynier H González

Reynier Hidalgo González, a Cuban resident in Báguano, Holguín, made a desperate call for help this Wednesday due to the critical situation he faces because of his illness and the lack of medical attention, worsened by the shortage of basic food items, which has caused a severe deterioration in his health.

On Facebook, Hidalgo held the Cuban regime responsible for his current health condition: "Let everyone know that if I die of anemia, the government will be solely to blame because for hotels and tourists, there are very good foods, but for people receiving social assistance, there is practically nothing," he denounced.

Facebook Capture / Reynier H González

The 30-year-old young man stated that with the 2,600 pesos he receives monthly, he can only buy the little that arrives at the grocery store, which he compares to a desert due to the lack of essential products.

In a comment, the Cuban explained that he suffers from arthritis, psoriasis, "and to top it off, lupus has developed due to the adverse effects of the medications I take for the two previous diseases."

Facebook capture / Reynier H González

Hidalgo described the suffering he endures not only because of his illness but also due to the desperation of seeing how the lack of food and medicine worsens his condition: "The government is unable to supply the store with the essentials for proper nutrition, which exacerbates my torment even further," he lamented.

He pointed out that since he was 21 years old, after having left military service, "that's when my life became one of suffering and pain, a chronic pain that is only slightly eased by painkillers."

"And on top of that, the government leaves us with the lowest salaries in the face of the high cost of food," lamented the young man.

Despite the gravity of his situation, Hidalgo said that he will fight to survive: “I’m not going to give up until my last breath trying to get one of my posts to reach someone who can help us, because I repeat, I don’t want to die.”

Its story highlights the harsh reality that many Cubans face amid the economic and social crisis the country is experiencing, where basic needs, such as health and food, seem to be inaccessible to the most vulnerable.

Recently, the farmer Delio Ramírez Rosales used his social media to denounce the poor diet that Cubans suffer from and used as an example the plate of food that he "tasted" and for which he thanked God.

Facebook screenshot / Delio Ramírez Rosales

The burnt rice crust, that burnt rice from the bottom of the pot (which many hungry Cubans have been fond of), was the "delicacy he savored" Ramírez Rosales before going to bed early to rise again in the furrow.

"I work like an animal from dawn to dusk, and sometimes things get tough. Today I had to eat just the scraps of rice. I wanted to have it with water and sugar, and when I checked, I had no sugar... And I thanked God for the scraps," said the farmer on Facebook.

And amid this situation, the regime announced that in September there will continue to be a shortage of products rationed by the ration book.

Betsy Díaz Velázquez, Minister of Domestic Trade in Cuba, explained to the official media that “we do not have any plans for the month of September, just as there was none in August, for either oil or coffee.”

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