A woman from Santiago receives praise after finding a phone in a hospital and searching for its owner on social media.

Several people on social media praised the young woman's education.

Celular perdido en un hospital infantil de Santiago de Cuba © Collage xatakamovil y Trabajadores
Lost cellphone in a children's hospital in Santiago de CubaPhoto © Collage xatakamovil and Trabajadores

The young woman from Santiago, Dayma Fajardo, garnered admiration on social media after announcing this Monday that she had found a cellphone in a hospital and was looking for its owner.

"This morning (Monday) I found this Samsung A 32 phone at the La Colonia children's hospital," the young woman noted in the Facebook group "AMAZON Santiago de Cuba.com," indicating that she will only return the device to its owner.

Facebook Capture / Dayma Fajardo

In a few hours, the post generated numerous comments, most highlighting the kind gesture of the young woman, in stark contrast to the violent reality that the country faces, where a person can be injured over the theft of a phone.

Ángel Alfredo Rodríguez Freiría said, "What planet are you from? There are few people like you left."

A person named Arelis Torres Torres stated, “You are one of the few good people left in this province. God bless you and your family forever.”

"Blessings for this great person, who has been well-educated and has a good heart. These are values that are instilled in the family environment," emphasized Mayra Pérez.

Yannelis Martínez Yero pointed out: "Good attitude, that speaks to the kind of person you are. I hope the owner sees this post or someone who knows them, so that their fear goes away, because a phone is expensive today, and some acquire it with great sacrifice."

Despite the increasing violence in Cuba, a problem acknowledged even by the regime, there are still people whose kindness stands out.

A young Cuban found a teacher's lost cell phone and immediately contacted its owner to return it.

Facebook Capture / Wilfredo Osuna Rodríguez

The incident occurred on Wednesday in Ciego de Ávila and was narrated on Facebook by Wilfredo Osuna Rodríguez, the director of the educational center where the fortunate teacher works.

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