Cuban searches for family member kidnapped at sea 15 years ago

His family learned that the vessel he was emigrating on was hijacked and supposedly he is imprisoned in the Bahamas or Green Turtle Island.

Cuban missing for 15 yearsPhoto © Facebook / Adriana Arderi Herrera

A Cuban woman made a desperate plea to find her relative, Yunior Pérez Herrera, who disappeared nearly 15 years ago while trying to emigrate.

Adriana Arderi Herrera explained in the Facebook group "Cubans Missing at Sea and on Land" that Yunior Pérez Herrera, born on June 19, 1977, and residing in the municipality of Jagüey Grande, Matanzas, left on a boat with 40 people, including 12 children, from the Martí cove, also in that province.

Facebook capture / Adriana Arderi Herrera

Herrera pointed out that they were kidnapped at sea and possibly imprisoned in the Bahamas or Green Turtle Cay, but since then they have not had clear news about their whereabouts.

"We have hope that he is still alive," he emphasized.

The young woman described her relative as a man 1.86 meters tall, with white skin, brown eyes, and a tattoo on his arm, which consists of two snakes and an egg in the center.

Additionally, he had undergone cosmetic surgery on his ears before leaving. Before disappearing, he was the director of the musical group Sangre Latina in Jagüey Grande.

"Please, if anyone knows anything or can give us information, it would be a great help," said Herrera.

The love that some families feel for their loved ones is so deep that it does not fade, even when one of them is missing.

The young Cuban Karildi Marín remains missing from her home, and her family is experiencing heightened anguish these days, as next Saturday, September 14, is her 25th birthday.

Facebook Capture / Yoandri Marín

"This September 14, my sister Karildi will be celebrating her birthday, who has been missing for nine months and we still do not have an answer from the authorities about what might have happened to her," her brother Yoandri Marín reported on Facebook.

In mid-August, Yoandri stated that he hopes to find out what happened to his sister.

"I ask God to always keep you protected and for justice to be served by the authorities, because until today we have no news of you. We love you and will always love you," he wrote.

The young man trusts that divine justice will punish those who have harmed his sister, but he also demands accountability from the authorities.

"Resolve my sister's case, as time is running out and it's not just one day since her disappearance, it has been almost six months. We need answers," she said in June.

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