Ovi fulfills a dream: Visiting the Mickey Mouse castle at Disney with his son.

The Cuban singer enjoyed an incredible experience at Magic Kingdom Theme Park with his little one, and social media witnessed this moment.

Ovi made a dream come true that he had for a long time, to visit Mickey Mouse's castle at Disney with his son.

The Cuban singer enjoyed an incredible experience at the Magic Kingdom Theme Park, and social media was a witness to this moment.

“Tell Mickey Mouse to come out and make my tank that we brought for the kids at the castle a reality,” Ovi wrote on his Instagram.

Alongside the Cuban, the experience was also lived by the artist known as Luar La L and his son, who added in the comments to the post: "Two years ago we dreamed it, yesterday we made it a reality; if we could, anyone can. Ovi my tank!"

In the images, the four of them are seen enjoying the surroundings of the castle, and it is difficult to discern who seems smaller in this group, whether the children or their parents.

In one of the videos, Ovi is seen with his son in front, riding a horse and laughing on the carousel while he teaches him to greet his little friend with a fist bump.

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Deneb González

Editor of CiberCuba Entertainment

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