Government distributes March toothpaste in Las Tunas.

The products are arriving late. So far, the distribution of oil and coffee for the month of September has not been planned, just as there was none in August.

Libreta de abastecimiento © Tribuna de La Habana
Supply bookletPhoto © Tribuna de La Habana

The Cuban regime began the distribution of toothpaste for the March-April bimonthly period in the municipality of Las Tunas, in the homonymous province, specifically in the La Victoria area, in an effort to complete the missing products from the regulated basic basket.

The Provincial Government of the People’s Power of the mentioned city announced on the social network Facebook that it has started distribution through the Universal Company, responsible for handling the merchandise.

Facebook post/Provincial Government of People's Power Las Tunas

However, the situation remains concerning, as in many places there is no stock and the products that arrive are delivered late.

The Minister of Domestic Trade, Betsy Díaz Velázquez, explained in state media that the distribution of oil and coffee has not been planned for the month of September, just as there was none in August.

In 2023, the situation experienced a tumultuous moment after a Cuban expressed her outrage on social media after discovering that the toothpaste included in the basic basket was liquid.

Yadira Oliva, a resident of Santiago, shared a video on Facebook showing toothpaste in a liquid state, which sparked a wave of criticism and laughter in the community.

In the midst of the quarantine in 2020 due to Covid-19, Minister Díaz Velázquez announced in the official program Mesa Redonda the staggered arrival of regulated hygiene products to the island's state-run stores, but warned -at that time- that toothpaste and detergent would not follow the path of soap, and it could take up to three months to be incorporated into the supply.

In her appearance, the official presented the staggered sale of hygiene products across the island as an achievement. A total of 84 Cuban municipalities had received bath and laundry soap; however, the delivery of toothpaste and detergent was postponed, and the population had to wait up to three months to fulfill those offers within the so-called "basic basket."

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