Baby dies due to alleged negligence at maternal hospital in Camagüey.

The family wants this case to be known and demands justice from the Cuban health authorities.

  • CiberCuba Editorial Team

Hospital Ginecobstétrico Ana Betancourt de Mora © ACN
Ana Betancourt de Mora Gyneco-Obstetric HospitalPhoto © ACN

A Cuban mother and her family are devastated since last Friday, September 13, after the death of their newborn baby due to alleged medical malpractice at the Ana Betancourt de Mora Maternal Hospital in the city of Camagüey.

"Today, a mother has been left devastated because the team of doctors working at the Ana Betancourt de Mora Maternal Hospital in our city of Camagüey, on September 13, knowing that the baby had defecated in her mother's womb, were unable to decide to urgently transfer her to the operating room and perform a cesarean section to prevent the death of the girl whom we awaited with such happiness," explained the relative Amauris Domínguez Pupo.

Facebook Capture/Amauris Domínguez Pupo

The source -who praised the Cuban healthcare system before denouncing the incident- wants "the death of our baby not to go unpunished," since the doctors on duty turned the happiness of the mother who was awaiting her baby "into enormous sadness."

A cousin of the mother, named Lizi Domínguez Estrada, shared her pain in the Facebook group "Revolico Camagüey 2024," where she hoped this event would gain relevance and become public knowledge.

"My cousin is suffering, an entire family, a pain that could have been avoided if they had done their job properly, we just want justice," wrote the user.

Facebook Capture/Lizi Domínguez Estrada

As of the closing of this note, there are no further details about the shocking allegation.

In recent years, there have been several cases of families who have shared on social media the deaths of newborn babies and/or the passing of their mothers following alleged cases of medical negligence.

Last January, a family reported on social media the death due to poor medical care of a newborn baby at the Enrique Cabrera Cossío Teaching General Hospital, commonly known as the "National Hospital," in Havana.

In 2021, an important journalistic investigation published under the title "Broken Births" revealed that hundreds of women have been victims of obstetric violence in Cuba in recent years.

A website created for this purpose revealed testimonies, statistics, and analysis of the topic. A total of 514 questionnaires completed by Cuban mothers - of which 60% had their children by natural birth and 40% by cesarean section - evidenced the lack of empathy and information from Cuban health personnel.

The investigation revealed a lack of professionalism and sensitivity from the medical staff, who have gone so far as to offend women during labor.

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