They are asking for help to return a forgotten phone in a car to a woman who was traveling to Lenin hospital in Holguín.

The owner of the mobile phone was picked up at the junction of Palma Soriano.

Buscan dueña de teléfono (Imagen de referencia) © Collage xataka y Facebook / Carlos Rafael Romero Deras
They are looking for the owner of the phone (Reference image)Photo © Collage xataka and Facebook / Carlos Rafael Romero Deras

A netizen asked for help this Saturday to find the owner of a mobile phone that was left in his vehicle while the woman was traveling to Lenin Hospital in Holguín.

Michel Díaz reported in the Facebook group "AMAZON Santiago de" that he picked up a woman at the Palma Soriano junction, who handed him an LG device to charge. However, she forgot the phone in the vehicle when she got out.

Facebook Capture / AMAZON Santiago de / Michel Díaz

Díaz pointed out that the phone is blocked, which is why he has not been able to contact the owner. However, he indicated that the owner mentioned living in Santiago de Cuba.

Finally, he shared his contact number (55364378) in the hope that the lady or a relative would get in touch to recover the device.

In just a few hours, the post has been widely discussed; most people highlight Díaz's values, going to great lengths to return the phone.

Recently, a young woman from Santiago received a lot of praise after finding a phone in a hospital and searching for its owner on social media.

Facebook Capture / Dayma Fajardo

"This morning (Monday) I found this Samsung A 32 phone at the La Colonia children's hospital," noted Dayma Fajardo in the Facebook group "AMAZON Santiago de," indicating that she will only return the device to its owner.

Despite the growing violence in Cuba

a problem recognized even by the regime,There are still people whose kindness stands out.I'm sorry, but it seems that you haven't provided any text to translate. Please provide the text you'd like translated, and I'll be happy to help!

A young Cuban found a teacher's cell phone that had been lost and immediately contacted its owner to return it.

Facebook Capture / Wilfredo Osuna Rodríguez

The incident occurred on Wednesday in Ciego de Ávila and was narrated on Facebook by Wilfredo Osuna Rodríguez, director of the educational center where the fortunate teacher works.

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