Beans with pasta and cheese: Nicolás Maduro goes viral with "culinary crime" on the internet.

Maduro shares a video of his Sunday meal, as if he were enjoying a peaceful afternoon, while the people face an acute crisis and struggle to oust him from power.

The ruler of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, sparked a new controversy on social media after sharing a video where he shows his "humble" Sunday meal, accompanied by his wife.

It is a dish of macaroni with black beans (caraotas), cheese, and tajadas (fried plantains), a combination unthinkable in many cultures, a crime for pasta lovers, but according to him, this is a "delicious recipe."

The lunch video was posted on his social media and on Venezolana de Televisión (VTV). It aimed to highlight a supposed simplicity of his lifestyle, but it has faced harsh criticism from users on social media, who label Maduro as a "culinary criminal," among many other things.

"They should eat off a tray, so they can get used to how they serve in prison, because that’s where they’re going," said an internet user, recalling the crimes associated with the leader for hiding the electoral records from July 28, 2024, to stay in power.

The ruler accompanied the video with a message in which he expressed his gratitude for the beans that had been given to him in the Commune "La Ruta de la Mandarina," in the state of Miranda.

"Black beans made in Venezuela and prepared by the hands of Cilita. Better impossible!" he said, referring to his wife, Cilia Flores.

He tried to show closeness to the people and humble tastes when enjoying lunch, but his video went viral for very different reasons.

There were Venezuelans who recalled the banquets that the leader has enjoyed with the people's money. Some also reflected on the reality of the country, where a high percentage of the population lives in poverty and has limited access to basic food.

The video of Maduro and Cilita was perceived as a mockery of the Venezuelan people who are fighting to remove the ruler from power to put an end to poverty and hunger, while he pretends to live a simple life that many claim is unreal.

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