Cuban man recovering after kidney transplant in Villa Clara

More than 20 days after the surgery at Arnaldo Milián Castro Hospital, Jadier Juvier Bravo continues to recover satisfactorily in Villa Clara.

Jadier Juvier Bravo y el equipo médico que lo atiende en Villa Clara © Facebook / Vanguardia de Cuba
Jadier Juvier Bravo and the medical team that is treating him in Villa Clara.Photo © Facebook / Vanguardia de Cuba

The 24-year-old young man, Jadier Juvier Bravo, who underwent a kidney transplant on September 4 in Villa Clara, is recovering satisfactorily.

More than 20 days after the surgery performed at the Arnaldo Milián Castro Hospital, the young man is facing a new stage in his life, according to the state-run newspaper Vanguardia on its Facebook profile.

Facebook Capture / Vanguardia de Cuba

Chronic renal failure, diagnosed four months after completing Active Military Service, forced Juvier to undergo hemodialysis sessions for six years.

His family noticed that upon returning from his SMA outing to their home in Güinía de Miranda (Manicaragua), the young man, instead of going out to socialize or play sports as he usually did, stayed in bed due to exhaustion.

However, after years of living with the illness, the intervention was made possible thanks to the generosity of the family of a deceased patient who had suffered brain death. They decided to donate his kidney, providing a new lease on life for the young man.

"The discipline maintained by him was crucial in the results, and since he left the classroom, his transformation has been extraordinary," noted Darlis Bravo Toledo, the young man's mother.

Dr. Yunier González Cárdenas, regional coordinator for donation and transplantation, confirmed that the patient's condition is satisfactory, with proper urination and an optimal state of mind.

According to the official newspaper Vanguardia, since 2001, when transplant activities began at the Arnaldo Milián Hospital, more than 500 such operations have been performed, demonstrating high survival rates and quality from living donors or those in neuroecological death.

However, not all Cubans in need of a kidney to survive are able to obtain the precious organ.

In March, a Cuban mother erupted on social media against the government, as her son had been waiting for a kidney transplant for four years, despite the fact that the boy's father was a compatible donor.

Facebook Capture / Lázaro Manuel García Cernuda

Mailín Rueda Sevila shared a post addressed to the Ministry of Public Health and Dr. Antonio Enamorado, the national transplant coordinator, whom she accuses of deceiving her and allowing the child's condition to worsen.

However, this type of situation is not new. In 2023, another mother sought help for her 15-year-old daughter, who was suffering from chronic kidney failure and had been waiting for a kidney transplant for years.

Facebook capture / Mirnellis Saldívar

Mirnellis Saldívar reported on her Facebook wall that her daughter fell ill when she was seven years old and has been ready for a transplant since 2019.


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