Firefighters rescue a cat from the rooftop in Sancti Spíritus.

Animal protectors praised the Cuban firefighters who rescue animals in danger.

Bomberos rescatan un gato en Sancti Spíritus © Collage capturas Facebook / Fundación ARCA Sancti Spíritus
Firefighters rescue a cat in Sancti Spíritus.Photo © Collage captures Facebook / Fundación ARCA Sancti Spíritus

A group of firefighters carried out the rescue of a cat this Tuesday that apparently was trapped on the roof of a colonial house in Sancti Spíritus.

The ARCA Sancti Spíritus Foundation shared on Facebook the moment when firefighters climbed onto the roof, using a ladder, and rescued the cat, which was likely scared to death.

ARCA thanked the rescuers, stating that "we can always count on them, always willing to help us because for them, animals are important. Thank you to all the firefighters," they indicated.

In the comments, several people agreed that firefighters do more for animal welfare than other institutions, such as the police and the Ministry of Agriculture, which are responsible for ensuring the protection and care of animals.

Dianilys Torres said: “The fire department of Sancti Spíritus works more in animal defense than the PNR itself and the Ministry of Agriculture, who are inept. Congratulations to the fire department.”

In May, a dog that was trapped on a rock near the wall of the Malecón in Havana was rescued by the firefighters of the capital, following a report from a person who alerted through their social media.

Facebook screenshot / Lay García

"Help! I just found this little dog here in the sea, I have no way to help him, but please someone who can rescue him. He is here on the Malecón, facing the statue of Maceo," said the user on her Facebook profile.

A similar situation occurred in 2023 when a team from Bomberos de Cuba responded to a call for help from a person to rescue a dog that fell into a ravine in Havana.

Facebook Capture / Alexa Milena Duran Ruiz

"A group of protectors from the Playa municipality, along with the boy who reported the case and the firefighters, collaborating to rescue the little dog from the ravine," said the Cuban Alexa Milena Duran Ruiz in the Facebook group Somos Tu Voz, where she shared images of the event.

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