Niurka Marcos bursts out after two days without power in her house: "As if we were in Cuba"

Niurka Marcos explodes on Instagram after two days without electricity at her home.

The Cuban star Niurka Marcos has turned to her social media to express her frustration and anger after two days without electricity in her home. In a series of videos she shared on her Instagram stories, Niurka appeared visibly upset, criticizing both the service and the lack of attention from the responsible electric company.

"I haven't had electricity for two days. A report was made to the electricity commission, and it still hasn't arrived. Terrible service, and what if you don't pay the electricity bill? They cut you off. I hope they discount the days that I haven't had electricity," said the actress, who lives in Mexico.

Niurka, known for speaking without filters, continued by saying that she is seriously considering installing solar panels to avoid depending on a company she labeled as "irresponsible." "The saddest thing is that everyone does the same thing. I have spoken with acquaintances and they all say the same. It's like we were in Cuba, man," she remarked sarcastically, referencing the constant blackouts experienced in Cuba.

The artist also shared her concern about the food in her refrigerator: “I have to get dressed in the dark. I look like a witch with my hair standing up. I have nine little angels here who need to eat. The refrigerator is full of meat, imagine if it goes bad. I've been without power for two days. The dog food is going bad too. How can I not be angry? On top of the fact that they don’t come to provide the service, I have to throw away the food.”

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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