Cuban family recovering from attempted femicide is scared: Attacker remains free and sneaks into the house.

The attempted femicide occurred last Friday.

La víctima Yidania Santos Peña © Facebook/Yidania Santos Peña
The victim Yidania Santos PeñaPhoto © Facebook/Yidania Santos Peña

Family members of Yidania Santos Peña, a 42-year-old woman who was injured last Friday after her ex-partner and father of four of her children attacked her with a machete, are terrified because the assailant is on the loose.

The attempted femicide occurred in the rural town of Campo Florido, in the municipality of Habana del Este, which has allowed the aggressor to hide in the woods and systematically lurk around the family farm, where he has been seen more than once.

In statements to Martí Noticias, Elsa Lidia Secade, the victim's niece, reported that the authorities have not provided any protection to the injured woman in the hospital, and she claims that it is the family members who are taking turns to protect her in case the man returns for her.

"Until now protection for us, the family that has been there in the hospital, seven or eight people every day with her," complained Elsa Lidia Secade.

"In conclusion, the man continues to enter the house every day. Just last night he was there. My grandmother argued with him, my cousin did too, and he only showed the machete he was holding in his hand," added Elsa, who emphasized that the man is in the woods and that he can be seen every day in the vicinity of the farm.

Yidania Santos Peña, who was in a relationship for more than 20 years with the aggressor, lost her left hand and four fingers from the other hand. She also sustained seven injuries to her head.

The attack was witnessed by one of the daughters they had in common with her aggressor.

Elsa Lidia Secade specified to the mentioned media that in the hospital where the woman is admitted, they have now nicknamed her "the miracle" because she has managed to barely survive the brutal attack.

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The victim's niece reported that after the attempted femicide, they went to the police in Guanabo and were treated very poorly, and that they weren't even allowed to speak, that they were ignored.

Then the police came, but they left in less than 10 minutes, something that Yidania Santos's mother had already reported on social media. The authorities returned the next day, on Saturday afternoon, but they did not provide any protection to the family nor have they done enough to detain the aggressor.

Since the attempted femicide occurred, the family - made up of 11 members - has had to spend sleepless nights fearing that the aggressor will enter the house again.

It also happens that the victim's ex-husband lives in a adjacent residence since they separated.

"Everyone is terrified because he is armed," the woman concluded; she fears the worst outcome: "It's bad that they take revenge into their own hands, but the police are doing nothing."

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