Flor de Cuba clarifies its ties with Sandro Castro after arriving in Miami.

Alexander Otaola is one of those who has questioned the relationship between the two on several occasions.

The Cuban influencer Flor de Cuba, who has just arrived in Miami, has been heavily criticized for a photo she took at one point with Sandro Castro, the grandson of Fidel Castro, which has become very recurrent.

Alexander Otaola is one of those who has questioned several times the links between Flor de Cuba and Sandro Castro, something that the influencer clarified in her first interview in Miami for the podcast "Destino Tolk," with which she has just signed a contract.

"That photo was when Sandro hired me to do a runway show for my agency, we held the event for just one day, we did the show, took a photo, and published it for the advertisement of the show, and that's it. That's the only connection I have had with Sandro in my entire life," Flor de Cuba assured.

"On the day I met him, we shared, but everything professional I liked a lot, he is a super nice and polite guy, and that's it (…) The one who really has ties doesn’t post a photo, the one who truly has something to hide doesn’t post a photo," added the influencer and also mentioned that Alexander Otaola, among the stories he has made up, has even claimed that Sandro is the father of his young son.

When asked in the interview what she thinks of those in exile who call her a snitch and say she is in cahoots with the dictatorship, Flor de Cuba responded: "I have never seen anyone working for the State live like I do; on the contrary, I believe that the people who go through the most hardship are the most loyal to any political system, more fanatical. I have no ties; all the exiles always say the same thing (...) People can't wrap their heads around the fact that I, in the same place, with the same conditions, could do something different."

Meanwhile, Otaola claims that although he has no proof, for him, Flor de Cuba is the front person for Sandro Castro.

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Deneb González

Editor of CiberCuba Entertainment

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