Suzanne López: the daughter of Cuban immigrants who shines as a dancer in Chicago

Suzanne states that her background was crucial for her profession since, in Cuban culture, dance is an activity integrated into daily life and is not considered a luxury.

Suzanne López © Captura de video de YouTube de The Joffrey Ballet
Suzanne LópezPhoto © YouTube video capture of The Joffrey Ballet

A Cuban-American dancer fulfilled her dream of becoming a dancer, and thanks to her effort and her background, she succeeded in Chicago, Illinois.

Suzanne López, daughter of Cuban immigrants, is responsible for training new generations as the director of the Joffrey Ballet Academy, a dance company she joined at just 12 years old.

In a recent interview with ABC Chicago, Suzanne explained that her Latin origin was definitive for her profession, and she recalled that in Cuban culture, dancing is an activity integrated into daily life and is not considered a luxury.

Her parents were always fond of ballet, and they instilled this taste in her from a young age; they took her to see her first performance when she was five years old.

"Both grew up in Cuba and were great fans of ballet. They went as often as they could. And when they moved to the United States, they continued with that passion," he detailed.

"In high school, I wondered if dance could be a career, and again, my parents' support helped me to continue," she added.

For Suzanne, one of the great attractions of the Joffrey Academy is its diversity.

"We have dancers from all over, now I am trying to ensure that the Academy also has that same diversity. I want the Joffrey Academy to resemble the city of Chicago and its surroundings, and to have those same diverse colors," he emphasized.

"As my parents taught me, my dream is for dance to be a part of everyone's lives, for the arts to be part of everyone's lives, for people to start from a young age and then see if they want to continue. I believe that the mission of the Joffrey Academy and mine is that, and that's why I'm still here after so many years and I couldn't imagine being anywhere else," he concluded.

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