Eating while driving or driving with an expired registration are the issues addressed by the new traffic laws in Florida.

The rules are aimed at greater protection for both drivers and pedestrians.

Accidentes en la I-95 (Imagen de referencia) © Captura de video de YouTube de Local 10 News
Accidents on the I-95 (Reference image)Photo © YouTube video capture from Local 10 News

The State of Florida has modified some laws related to traffic and road safety for drivers and pedestrians.

According to McClatchy, the regulations change the rules concerning certain driver behaviors, such as those who eat or use their cell phones to send text messages while driving; they also introduce fines for those who do not have the correct car registration and strengthen the penalties in cases of illegal street racing.

A very common action among drivers is eating while driving. This is not expressly prohibited, but driving without paying attention is punished, as it can cause an accident; if it happens, you can be accused of reckless driving.

Regarding text messages, the phone may only be used for this purpose if the vehicle is completely stopped, such as at a red traffic light, at a stop sign, or in a traffic jam. If there is a violation, the driver can be fined.

On October 1, a law went into effect in Florida that introduces changes to the procedures for registering and customizing vehicles, including specialized license plates.

In Florida, it is illegal to drive a vehicle with an expired registration. If the registration expired less than six months ago, it is a non-criminal traffic violation that is not subject to criminal penalties. The driver will be fined up to $500 and may choose between paying the fine or appearing before a judge.

The registration of a vehicle expires according to the owner's status. If it is an individual, it expires at midnight on their birthday, but no penalty is applied until the end of the birthday month. If it is a company, it expires on the last day of the month indicated in the registration documentation.

Regarding having an aggressive attitude towards another driver, such as yelling or making gestures, none of this is illegal. Aggressive driving, however, is illegal and includes actions such as exceeding the established speed limit or not yielding the right of way, among others, which can result in a fine.

Furthermore, if someone takes a reckless action as a result of a moment of anger, they can be arrested, fined, or prosecuted.

Starting this year, drivers in Florida are required to slow down and pull over to yield to emergency services. The fine for violators can be up to 158 dollars.

Also, in early 2024, a law was approved to increase the penalties for drivers participating in illegal car races. It is now considered a third-degree felony, and fines can reach up to $4,000.

In Florida, you can obtain a driver's license at 16 years old, but there is no age limit that requires you to stop driving, although the renewal of the Class E license imposes specific requirements for the elderly.

If the license is renewed every eight years until the age of 79, when the driver reaches 80 years old, it must be renewed every six years, and if they are not eligible to renew it online, they must pass a vision test.

At the beginning of September, a seven-year-old girl from Florida died days after being hit by a 92-year-old woman outside a pharmacy in Coral Gables, Miami-Dade.

The driver confused the accelerator with the brake, which is believed to have caused the fatal accident. She was cited by authorities for negligent driving, but it was not reported if she will face any charges.

For his part, the girl's father called for more checks for elderly drivers.

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