Exclusive: Interview with the Cuban singer Mamá Estoy Brillando, the young artist who is taking the island by storm with his music.

Young Cuban singer Mamá Estoy Brillando seeks to inspire the new generation with his authenticity and perseverance.

His name is resonating strongly in the Cuban music scene to the point that he has become one of the island's most promising artists. We are talking about Mamá Estoy Brillando, a 24-year-old Cuban singer born and raised in Havana, in the Vedado neighborhood.

This young man is captivating the younger generation of Cubans with songs like "The Era of Love" or "The Summer of My Life." However, Wilfredo Alejandro Sosa Espinosa (his real name) has been making music for over four years.

In an exclusive interview with CiberCuba, Wilfredo (or Will) told us that he started a degree in Physical Education, but he never completed it because the quarantine during the pandemic (2020) marked a turning point in his life where he began to learn about music, teaching himself how to make it through online tutorials.

"I started making music in 2020, right before the quarantine, and during that time I learned everything through tutorials. When the quarantine ended, I already knew how to make music," Mamá Estoy Brillando tells CiberCuba.

In his songs, marked by a blend of both international and national influences, the young artist tries to convey positive and optimistic messages. His songs are primarily resonating with the younger generation of Cubans, whom he has captivated with his unique style.

"I feel that this year I found a way to blend what I like from outside with what is unique to us Cubans. It's something that people from the street enjoy as much as I do," he commented during the conversation.

Despite shining, as her stage name indicates, she acknowledges that she has had to face challenges, such as criticism regarding the type of music she makes and even her name. "At first, they thought my name was strange, but special things tend to succeed. In other places, what I was doing had already been around for five years, but here they saw it as unusual. Still, I have maintained my essence," she acknowledges.

Currently, Mamá Estoy Brillando has managed to capture the audience's attention with her fresh style and lyrics. Not to mention her latest release, a collaboration with the Cuban Chris Tamayo, which is a hit and has surpassed 140,000 views on YouTube. It is the song "JLO & BEN":

Below is the interview with Mamá Estoy Brillando:

Question: Tell us a little about yourself, where in Cuba are you from? What school did you study at? Do you have a degree?

Response: My real name is Wilfredo Alejandro Sosa Espinosa, and I am from Havana, Vedado. I studied at the pre-university Tomás David Royo and started a degree in Physical Culture, but I didn't finish it because the quarantine started, and that’s when I began making music. When the quarantine ended, I didn't go back to my studies because I continued making music.

P: When and how did you start in music?

R: I started in music in 2020 just before the quarantine, and during the quarantine, I studied and learned thanks to tutorials. By the time the quarantine ended, I already knew how to make music.

P: What music genres inspire you and how do they influence your style?

R: Many things inspire me, especially in music; Kanye West inspires me, as he is my reference. He is the artist I listen to the most and whom I look up to. I particularly like authentic things; I always try to see the good in everything. I also like the cast; I feel it has an authentic touch that only Cubans have. No one else in the world has that.

P: Tell us your favorite Cuban artists.

R: If I had to mention a Cuban artist, it would be El Taiger, who unfortunately is no longer around.

P: Can you tell us a bit about your upcoming projects or collaborations?

R: I have several projects coming out, mainly songs because I recently released a small project that is quite viral. I am working on new music; I’m at a musical moment where I feel like I’ve found myself. I say this every year, but now it’s true. I found a point where I mix my outside influences with what I like from here, with what is unique to us Cubans. What people on the street like, and I also like. I feel that this year I found a way to blend it.

P: How do you envision your career in the next five years? What are your goals?

R: I know that good things are coming. I have no doubts. Maybe it will be here in Cuba or maybe not, I would like to stay here and do it from the island because I love being here. In 5 years, I hope to be well, especially to be happy. I don't ask for much; inspiring people and entertaining them is my goal.

Regarding the goals I have, I could tell you a lot on both personal and professional levels, but in summary, it's to be at peace. To be able to do what I want when I want, to have freedom, both financially and to be able to travel wherever I want thanks to my music. But my main goal above all is for my friends and family to be well. The rest will come because everything arrives if you work for it. If you don't give up, with consistency, everything comes.

P: You are especially popular among the younger generation in Cuba, what would you like to share with them?

R: The other day a neighbor told me that what she liked about me is that despite being young and my music being listened to by young people, I am not conveying what other people do, like drugs, evil, street life. That I am conveying good things and that is what I would like to transmit to them. To live life, to enjoy, fall in love, have relationships, go out, and do what they want. Above all, to find what they like to do in life, what they want to dedicate themselves to because that is very important for being happy and at peace. That is what I want to transmit. To be healthy, to have good moments, and I think that’s what I’m focusing on.

P: What has been the biggest challenge you are facing as a singer in Cuba?

R: If I'm honest, it's a bit of the ignorance of the people. Now people are recognizing me, but I've been doing this for four years, evolving without changing my essence. I've had to clash a lot with the ignorance of people who told me it wouldn't work or criticized my name (Mamá Estoy Brillando). They don't realize that special and rare things succeed. At first, they see them as strange, but then they become normal. I don't blame the people; it's also the internet that wasn't as prevalent here. I was doing things that were being done in many other countries but weren't being heard here. So people thought it was very odd, but maybe in the United States or Europe, it had been done for five years.

What do you think?


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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor for CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.