Details of Anuel AA's health crisis revealed after concert cancellation: "He started experiencing symptoms related to his heart."

Anuel AA canceled his concert in Montevideo due to heart problems.

Anuel AA © Instagram / Anuel AA
Anuel AAPhoto © Instagram / Anuel AA

Reggaeton artist Anuel AA was forced to cancel the concert scheduled for the night of October 31 at the Velódromo in Montevideo, Uruguay, due to a health complication that prevented him from performing.

According to a statement issued by RFL Producciones, the artist was "ready to take the stage" when he began experiencing concerning symptoms related to his heart health.

"Unfortunately, as he was already on stage ready to sing and perform, the artist began to experience heart symptoms that raised concerns about his ability to give a 100% concert. He also underwent surgery earlier this year, and since then, he hasn't been able to feel as well as he did before regarding his health. Therefore, the artist and his team are being more strict than ever about his health, which is why they required immediate medical attention," the producer explained in the statement released on the artist's Instagram account.

Following the assessment by the medical team, it was determined that he was not in a condition to perform, leading to the event's cancellation. "After the medical team's evaluation, it was concluded that the artist was not fit to appear in his show," they stated in the same document.

Instagram Capture / Anuel AA

The followers of Anuel AA, who were waiting for his performance at the venue, experienced moments of uncertainty. Some attendees reported that access to the location had been delayed due to "logistical issues," which caused frustration and tension among the audience.

The discomfort grew due to the lack of explanations, and when the cancellation of the show was finally announced, some attendees reacted with frustration, tearing down barriers and throwing objects. This can be seen in some videos shared on social media by some of those present.

So far, RFL Producciones and the artist's team are in negotiations to find "the best possible solution and the ideal date to hold the concert." However, it has not been confirmed whether there will be refunds for fans who purchased tickets for this event.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the King Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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