Cubana achieves her goal after two years in the United States: "I never imagined it would be this beautiful."

A Cuban woman who emigrated to the U.S. shares her story of hard work and resilience on TikTok, revealing how she and her husband achieved their dream apartment after two years of effort and sacrifice.

A 25-year-old Cuban who arrived in the United States two years ago shared her story of perseverance on TikTok, explaining how, through her efforts and those of her husband, they achieved their dream apartment.

"When I arrived in the United States, I never imagined I would have such a beautiful apartment," the young woman begins in her video, which she posted on her account @yare.prada. Upon arriving in the country, her goal was clear: to work tirelessly to get ahead.

She and her husband started working at a McDonald's for $13 an hour. They took every opportunity to work overtime, even taking calls to work on their days off. "We stayed to make more money," she recalls.

Her strategy was methodical. Each time they were paid, they set aside a portion of their salary to buy items for their future apartment. The young woman explains how she created a list on her phone of everything they needed. Every two weeks, after covering their bills and saving what was necessary, she would purchase an item from physical stores or Amazon. "I would cross off what I bought and in 15 days, I would go back for more," she explained.

Eight months after her arrival, she became pregnant and had to quit her job. However, her determination and financial discipline did not waver. Her story reflects the sacrifice, organization, and perseverance of many Cubans seeking a better life in the United States.

This inspiring testimony has resonated with people on TikTok, who applaud its dedication and fighting spirit.

Frequently Asked Questions about the Success of Cubans in the United States

What inspired Yaremy Prada to share her story on TikTok?

Yaremy Prada shared her story on TikTok to inspire others with her journey of overcoming challenges. Her testimony reflects the sacrifice and perseverance that many Cubans face in pursuit of a better life in the United States. Her story has resonated on the platform, gaining recognition and support from many people.

How is the fighting spirit of Cubans reflected in stories like that of Yaremy Prada?

The fighting spirit of Cubans is reflected in the perseverance and determination they show when facing adversity. Stories like that of Yaremy Prada illustrate how, despite the challenges, Cubans work tirelessly to achieve their dreams in a new country. This fighting spirit is a common thread in many success stories of Cubans abroad.


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Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from King Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Former editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

Izabela Pecherska

Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from King Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.